04 Aug 2015

Catania: meeting with local authorities on board ITS Cavour

On July the 31 2015, in Augusta, the Force Commander, Rear Admiral (LH) Andrea Gueglio, met the Italian judicial and local administration authorities from Catania, ruling Prosecutor Michelangelo Patanè, deputy prefect Enrico Cavallotti and deputy mayor Marco Consoli, on board the Italian aircraft carrier Cavour, the European taskforce flagship.

The visit represents a significant step in enhancing a successful cooperation with relevant judicial and law enforcement authorities, to effectively contribute to the effort of disrupting the smugglers/traffickers criminal business model, understating the EUNAVFOR MED mission.

The European Union Naval Operation in the Southern Central Mediterranean (EUNAVFOR MED), is a part of the European Union’s comprehensive approach that was launched on 22 june 2015.