15 Aug 2015

FGS WERRA rescues 103 migrants in the Mediterranean

On August 15, in the morning, the Italian Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (I.M.R.C.C.) requested EUNAVFOR MED Task Force operating in the Central Mediterranean to intervene on  a possible vessel in distress in International waters, northbound the Libyan coast.

The German ship “Werra”, whilst patrolling the area in the vicinity of the scene , was sent to investigate and found  a boat loaded with migrants sailing in troubled conditions.

In accordance with the International Law,  the Werra rescued the 103 people onboard – 2 children and 4 women (one pregnant) among them – and, after having transferred the migrants to another ship belonging to the Operation “Triton” continued his patrolling.

On the 22 of June, 2015,  the Council launched the EU naval operation against human smugglers and traffickers in the Mediterranean called “EUNAVFOR Med”, with the main focus on disrupting the business model of the smugglers and therefore prevent more loss of lives.

Nevertheless, the UNCLOS, SOLAS and SAR Conventions include the obligation to assist persons in distress at sea and to deliver survivors to a place of safety, and to that end the vessels assigned to EUNAVFOR MED are ready and equipped to perform the related duties under the coordination of the competent Rescue Coordination Centre.

In less than two month of operations, the “EUNAVFOR Med” ships have already been involved in 4 rescue activities contributing to save the life of more than 1000 migrants.