02 Jul 2017

The first European Observatory on Migrant Smuggling and Human Trafficking

On July 4th in Rome, the Italian National Attorney Franco Roberti  and the European Union’s EUNAVFOR MED Operations Commander Read Admiral Enrico Credendino launched the first European Observatory on Migrant Smuggling and Human Trafficking, following the signing of an agreement at the Direzione Nazionale Antimafia Headquaters.

The new Observatory will systematically collect, analyse and report on data regarding irregular migrant smuggling and human trafficking. Using the latest computer analysis techniques, the project will provide support to those who seek to identify and prosecute the individuals and criminal organisations involved.  This includes the Italian prosecutors working under the Coordination of the Direzione Nazionale Antimafia.

Overall the aim of the Observatory is to enhance the efforts those involved in addressing the many criminal aspects of the irregular migration phenomenon.  EUNAVFOR MED Op SOPHIA will be the first to establish this system, but foresees the involvement of many other likeminded European partners and international entities as the project develops.