VBSS training module ended in Souda Bay, Crete (Greece).

On 19 July 2019 the “Visit, Board, Search & Seizure” training module for 41 Libyan trainees ended with the closing ceremony in the NATO Maritime Interdiction Operational Training Centre (NMIOTC) in Souda Bay, Crete (Greece).
The three-week module consisted of both theoretical and practical lectures, including topics as International Human Rights, Basic First Aid and Gender Policy.
The aim of this activity is to improve security of the Libyan territorial waters and the Libyan Coastguard and Navy (LCGN) ability to perform their duties, including search and rescue activities to save lives at sea.
During the closing ceremony the trainees received their certificate from the LCGN Course Director, a representative of the NMIOTC Exercises and Training Branch and a representative of the Training Branch of Operation Sophia Operational Headquarters.